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Central highlands & 
Central West Queensland 

Supporting the development of a modern and capable workforce to meet agribusiness employment opportunities.

 Queensland's AG WORKFORCE 

The Queensland Agriculture Workforce Network (QAWN) is an industry-led, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries funded initiative to attract, retain and upskill local ag workforces. Meg is the Agriculture Workforce Officer for the Central Highlands and Central West Queensland regions, hosted by CHRRUP in Emerald.

Queensland Agriculture Workforce Network (QAWN) Regions Map

Queensland Agriculture Workforce Network Regions Map

CHRRUP hosts the QAWN Officer for the Central Highlands and Central West region.

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QAWN officers provide local agribusinesses with free advice and guidance on workforce attraction, retention and development, regardless of their commodity or organisation membership. We work with businesses and job seekers to understand their workforce needs and connect them with the most appropriate solutions to promote business growth.

Training and Employment


We offer training, employment advice and support.

Industry Connections


We connect industry professionals with jobseekers and service providers. We also provide information about current government workforce incentives.

Local Industry Insight


We provide local industry insight to help shape future government policies and investments.

Mentor Denis Kiely talking to students in mungbean crop

Workforce planning is an important part of whole of business management

 Workforce planning   connect toolkit 

Jobs Queensland in collaboration with the Queensland Farmers’ Federation have developed a suite of free workforce planning resources for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Queensland Agriculture Industry.

The resources have been designed to help Queensland agriculture SMEs:

  • understand the benefits and advantages of workforce planning

  • build knowledge and understanding of workforce planning

  • grow capability and skills in workforce planning.

To learn more about the toolkit and to download the free resources click the button below!



Participating in the Skilling Queenslanders for Work training project, Skill Gateway helps job seekers gain skills, qualifications and experience they need to enter and stay in the agribusiness workforce. 

Immitation pregnancy testing - mentor Dr Jack Atkin-Smith

We can help you develop skills and knowledge essential in 


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The national register of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Australia,
overseen by the Federal Department of Education, Skills and Employment. is the authoritative source of:

1. Nationally Recognised Training (NRT)

Consists of training packages, qualifications, units of competency, accredited courses and skill sets.

2. Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)

Organisations who have the approved scope to deliver Nationally Recognised Training as required by national and jurisdictional legislation within Australia.

 Queensland Training and Information   Service (QTIS) 

QTIS is the source for all information on apprenticeships and traineeships approved for delivery in Queensland, including details on supporting courses and qualifications, restrictions calling and Skills Assure suppliers (RTOs).


To find out more about any upcoming training opportunities relating to workforce development, subscribe to CHRRUP's newsletter.

 Industry insights webinar series 

The purpose of this series is to talk to industry leaders and mentors within the agricultural industry to identify and learn about the endless career opportunities available. 

To watch our previous webinars click the button below!

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 Agriculture specific  
  job sites 

There are a variety of sites to help kick-start your career in agriculture. Below are a few examples of sites that are active in our region. Alongside these sites, CHRRUP and QAWN will provide you with support and guidance - whether you are looking for work as a jobseeker or where to promote vacant positions in your agribusiness.

Ringers From the Top End

Ringers from the top end

Cattle station and feed lotting jobs.

CQ JobLInk

CQ JobLInk

Central Queensland's local job board.

Working Holidays

Working Holidays

Seasonal work in the Central Highlands.

Baby Lamb & Sunset
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